Diablo 2: Resurrected: Patch 2.4 changes everything! Information from the MRLLAMASC

Circus skills are a team of techniques that have been done as home entertainment in circus, sideshow, busking, or selection, vaudeville, or music hall shows. Many circus skills are still being carried out today. Lots of are likewise exercised by non-performers as a pastime. Circus schools and also instructors make use of various systems of classification to group circus skills by type. Systems that have actually tried to officially organize circus skills right into pragmatic teaching collections include the Reich system (the basis of the Russian Circus College's educational program) as well as the Nova Burgess system.

Shortly before the announcement of Patch 2.4 for Diablo 2: Resurrected, we know the opportunity to talk to the Blizzard developers about the first ladder, the planned class balancing and the new runes. Unfortunately, the appointment was quite short, and the other press representatives had questions on their note.

So we were curious about whether the well-known YouTuber and Diablo-2-Veteran LLAMAS could squeeze further news on Patch 2.4 from the DEVs at 90 minutes long streaming event on December 16, 2021. We have viewed the recording now and summarize the most important one below.

New information about the ladder

Also, at the event of LLAMAS were again Matt Federalist (Senior Game Producer) and Rob Gallery (Studio Design Director) at the start. The Round Complete Global Community Development Lead Adam Fletcher.

Diablo 2: Resurrected now runs stable enough to ensure the start of the first ladder. Currently, the developers tend to run the first season about four months. Whether it stays, the feedback will show during the PTR test. At the end of the first ladder becomes a non-ladder character from the ladder character. This and all other characters then receive three new, cross-character tabs for the chest, in which the special booty from the ladder season is parked and from which the players can only take out items (but not storing). Now the player has the entire the nearest ladder time to take out these items and to use them. As soon as the next ladder starts (again with new Runennwörtern), the contents of the three Ladder riders are overwritten with the recent booty from the last ladder. More normal riders for the chest are currently not planned. Each ladder should get their own, special Rune words. All Run words previous ladder seasons can then be built in the non-Ladder area. In offline mode, you should always create all currently available rune words (regardless of whether the ladder or non-ladder). Whether with the ladder new character sites come, is still unclear.

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More builds for all classes

Even with patch 2.4 the class and build balance will not be perfect. The goal is that players have significantly more choosing strong ways than it is currently the case. Especially stupid is when classes promise a certain class imagination (such as Martial Arts at the Assassin), but this playing way to feel too weak. Or if certain skills look great, thanks to the modern graphics spirit, but simply not be used because they cause too little damage. That's exactly what the DEVs want to improve with patch 2.4 across all classes. To achieve the goal, rarely used skills are improved, not just about more damage, but also over greater reaches for effects or / or reduced resource costs. Or the developers adapt to the animations so that important effects are triggering faster or is not a felt eternity in an animation caught. The scaling of skills is also adjusted so that they are not only Early Game usable, but also in the endgame. There should also be new or improved synergies between skills to make them noticeably more attractive. Of course, passive talents that are hardly used to be used to ensure stronger buffs in the future.

Diablo 2 Resurrected: The Hydra spell is intended to be reinforced with patch 2.4. Source: content

Diablo II Resurrected Patch 2.4 (Ladder Announced, New Rune Words, Class Balancing, & More!!!)

There are mercenaries in act 1, 3, 4 and 5, no joke!

Under the stroke, the changes of mercenaries should ensure that no longer run around with the Akt-2 mercenaries. Akt-1 merciless (archer) gets new ranged skills for more AOE damage. The Akt-2 mercenary is not attenuated (on the contrary, there is even improvements in small for example thorns! The Akt-3 mercenaries gets a buff of all core values, so he can be used on the higher levels of difficulty. There are also new skills to which there are no details yet. The Akt-5 berserker gets a battle cry, which should be very strong in combination with the new runtier words. In addition, there are more lifestyles and resistors so that he can cope in close combat.

Diablo 2 Resurrected: Almost all players run with the Akt-2-Sölde by the area. This is about to change soon! Source: content

Details of the new runtier words and sets

Some new ripen words go straight to form an exciting synergy with the (new) skills of mercenaries. So far, rare words used to become more attractive. There will be no new runes. The selection of runes is already big enough. It will still not be possible to stack runes. Rarely used and weak sets and set bonuses are to be improved. Completely new unique armor and weapons are not planned.

Diablo 2 Resurrected: Patch 2.4 brings new Rune words for the ladder. Source: content

Changes for zones and monsters

In some areas, the level of the local monsters is adjusted (increases to be accurate to make these more attractive because higher levels promise better prey). In addition, you now have to destroy the ball in Act 3 to visit Mephisto.

Blizzard thinks about designing Diablo Clone to make it possible for more players to see this encounter. New bosses and endgame content is currently not planned.

Details about the PTR test for patch 2.4

In the first phase of the PTR test, there will probably only give level 1 characters with which one can level and the new skills can be fastest. Later, however, there should also be upgraded template characters that can be used by own gusto. There is no appointment for the PTR test. It may be a NPC dealer on the PTR, where you can equip with the desired items for the test.

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